Focus and Scope

Ummul Qura: Jurnal Institut Pesantren Sunan Drajat (INSUD) Lamongan (P-2541-6774; E-ISSN: 2580-8109) is an international journal published by Research Center of State Institute for Pesantren Sunan Drajat (INSUD) Lamongan, East Java, Indonesia. Ummul Qura is an academic journal published twice a year.

Focus : The focus of Ummul Qura Journal is contains scientific manuscripts

Scope : Ummul Qura Journal welcome papers from academicians on theories, philosophy, conceptual paradigms, academic research, as well as religion practices. In particular, paper which consider the following general topics are invited:

- Islamic education
- Islamic law
- Islamic economics and business
- Qur'an and hadith studies
- Islamic philosophy
- Islamic thought and literature
- Islam and peace
- Science and civilization in Islam
- Islam in nation and local
- Islam and gender